Convert To Meid

MEID Converter Enter your Identifier Number (IMEI) and it will convert to every format of device unique codes such as MEID and ESN. This calculator uses also pseudo ESNs (pESN), ESNs, and MEID numbers in both decimal and hexadecimal forms. A mobile equipment identifier (MEID) is a globally unique number identifying a physical piece of CDMA2000 mobile station equipment. The number format is defined by the 3GPP2 report S.R0048 but in practical terms, it can be seen as an IMEI but with hexadecimal digits.


Data::MEID - Convert, check, and inspect mobile MEID values.

Version 0.06

Quick summary of what the module does.


Convert a Decimal MEID to Hex. If an invalid Decimal MEID is used, it will throw a warning and return 0.


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Convert a Hex MEID to Decimal. If an invalid Hex MEID is used, it will throw a warning and return 0.


Check to see if a MEID is valid, either Decimal or Hex. If it looks like a Decimal MEID, it returns 'dec'. If it looks like a Hex ESN it returns 'hex'. If it doesn't match either it returns 0



Return 1 if MEID looks like valid HEX MEID: RRXXXXXXZZZZZZ. Otherwise return 0. RR = A0 ~ FF, XXXXXX = 000000 ~ FFFFFF, ZZZZZZ = 000000 ~ FFFFFF



Return 1 if MEID looks like valid Decimal MEID. Otherwise return 0.


Calculates the MEID check digit value as described in 3GPP2 X.S0008-0 v3.0. For testing purposes, per the spec, AF 01 23 45 0A BC DE has a check digit of 'C'. MEID 293608736500703710 has a check digit of '0'.

If a Hex MEID is passed, a Hex check digit is returned. If a Decimal MEID is passed, a Decimal check digit is returned.



Calculate the pESN ( Pseudo ESN ) from Decimal or Hex MEID.

Output is in Hex form. Use Data::ESN if Decimal ESN's are needed.


Return the manufacturer code in Decimal form from the MEID. If we have a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.


Return the manufacturer code in Hex form from the MEID. If we have a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.


Return the serial number in Decimal form from the MEID. If we have a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.

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Return the serial number in Hex form from the MEID. If we have a MEID that looks bad, then return 0.

Adam Wohld, <adam at>

Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-meid at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

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Copyright 2012 Adam Wohld.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

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