Ending Time Krishnamurti Pdf

The Beliefs That Man Has Accommodated Throughout The Millennia. You Are That Book. Krishnamurti The Ending of Time Written by one of the 20th century's bestselling spiritual writers, this collection of short, inspirational readings explores the art of meditation. Popularity sometimes fluctuated, but Krishnamurti persisted in his efforts to “set man absolutely, unconditionally free.” Toward the end of his life, new generations—children of our technetronic age—rediscovered Krishnamurti. In an era of hot shots and holy rollers, razzle-dazzle religion and pulpit rap, he retained. The Ending of Time by Jiddu Krishnamurti Krishnamurti is regarded globally as one of the greatest thinkers and religious teachers of all time. I am sure there is a way which is not verbal, analytical or logical, which doesn’t mean lack of sanity. 'enlightenment', and what U.G. Krishnamurti calls the 'natural state'. Maintains, in this selection from his conversations, that 'so-called enlightenment' is a purely biological phenomenon, that only when we are completely free of culture, conditioning, religious thinking and intellect, can the body, with its own. Understand what Krishnamurti and Bohm are saying about ‘psychological time’ in The Ending of Time. You are appropriating their ideas to your own end.” He paused for a while and then said this: “Alright, let us study The Ending of Time together and help me to see what it is that I am not understanding.” How remarkable was he as a teacher.

The Ending of Time has ratings and 26 reviews. Timothy said: Dialogs between David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti, enjoyable and provoking on the nature of. KRISHNAMURTI: How shall we start? I would like to ask if humanity has taken a wrong turn. DAVID BOHM: A wrong turn? Well it must have done so, a long time. The Ending of Time Chapter 11 18th September Conversation with Prof. David Bohm ‘The Ending of `psychological’ Knowledge’. KRISHNAMURTI: What.

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We have cultivated a mind that can jkddu almost any technological problem. But apparently human problems have never been solved. Human beings are drowned by their problems: And apparently through out history it has been like this.

The Ending of Time – Jiddu Krishnamurti

In spite of his knowledge, in spite of his centuries of evolution, man has never been free of problems. As they are now, of course, these problems have become incredibly complex and insoluble.

No politician, scientist, or philosopher is going to solve them, even through wars and so on!

So why have human beings throughout the world not been able to resolve the daily problems of life? What are the things that prevent the complete solution of these problems? Is it that we have never turned our minds krishnwmurti it?

Is it because we spend all our days, and probably half the night, in thinking about technological problems so that we have no time for the other? I am asking in this dialogue whether it is possible to have no human problems at all – only technological problems, which can be solved. But human problems seem insoluble. Is it because of our education, our deep-rooted traditions, that we accept things as they are? Well, that is certainly part of it. These problems accumulate as civilization gets older, and people keep on accepting things which make problems.

For example, there are now far more nations in the world than there used to be, and each one creates new problems. Men use this marvellous technology to kill each other. But we re talking about problems of relationships, problems of lack of freedom, this sense of constant uncertainty and fear, the struggle to work for a livelihood for the rest of one’s life.

The whole thing seems so extraordinarily wrong. I think people have lost sight of that. Generally speaking they accept the situation in which they find themselves, and try to make the best of it, trying to solve some small problems to krishnammurti their circumstances.

They wouldn’t even look at this whole situation seriously. They are trying to solve problems too. I mean everybody is caught up in his kriwhnamurti little fragment, solving whatever he thinks he can solve, but it all adds up to jddu.

To chaos and wars! That is what we are saying.


We live in chaos. But I want to find out if I can live without a single problem for the rest of my life. Well, I wonder if we should even call these things problems, you see. A problem would be something that is reasonably solvable. If you put the problem of how to achieve a certain result, then that presupposes that you can reasonably find a way to do it technologically. But psychologically, the problem cannot be looked at in that way; to propose a result you have to achieve, and then find thw way to do it.

What is the root of all this? What is the cause of all this human chaos? I am trying to come to it from a different angle, to discover whether there is an ending to problems. You see, personally, I refuse to have problems. Somebody might argue with you about that and say that maybe you are hime challenged with something. Then it is a matter of clarification. Clarification, not only of language, but of relationship and action.

The Ending of Time (Dialogue): J. Krishnamurti, David Bohm: : Books

Ending Time Krishnamurti Pdf English

A problem arose the other day which involved lots of people, and a certain action had to be taken. But to me personally it was not a problem. I mean by a problem something that has to be resolved, something you worry about; something you are questioning, and endlessly concerned with.

Also doubts and uncertainties, and having to take some kind of action which you will regret at the end. Let’s begin with the technical problem where the idea first arose.

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You have a challenge, something which needs to be done, and you say that is a problem. Now the word problem is based on the idea of putting forth something – a possible solution – and then trying to achieve it. This would already be a change from the simple idea of a technical problem, where you usually have some notion of what to do. They often bring challenges requiring us to go very deeply and change our ideas. With a technical problem, we generally know what we have to do to solve it.

For example, if there is lack of food, what we have to do is to find ways and means of producing more. But with a psychological problem, can we do the same? Any problem which arises in human relationships.

Let’s say that people cannot agree; they fight each other constantly. Yes, let’s take that for a simple thing. It seems to be almost impossible for a group of people to think together, to have the same outlook and attitude.

I don’t mean copying each other, of course. But each person puts his opinion forward and is contradicted by another – which goes on all the time, everywhere. So how do we solve this problem? In a group, all of us are offering different opinions, and we don’t meet each other at all. And it seems almost impossible to give up one’s opinions. Yes, that is one of the difficulties, but I am not sure that you can regard it as a problem, and ask, what shall we do to give up opinions.

But that is a fact. So observing that, and seeing the necessity that we should all come together, people still cannot give up their opinions, their ideas, their own experiences and conclusions. Yes, they would call it fact. But what can man do about these divisions?

We see the necessity of working together – not for some ideal, belief, some principle or some god. In various countries throughout the world, and even in the United Nations they are not working together. Some people might say that we not only have opinions, but self-interest. If two people have conflicting self-interests, there is no krushnamurti, as long as they maintain their attachment tne these, that they can work together.

Ending Time Krishnamurti Pdf

So jidu do we break into this? If you point out to me that we must work together, and show me the importance of it, then I also see that it is important. But I can’t do it! It is not enough even to see that co-operation is important, and to have the intention of achieving this. With this inability there is a new factor coming in. Why is it that we cannot carry out our intentions? Audio normalizer mac free.

One can give many reasons for that, but those causes and reasons and explanations don’t solve the problem. We come back to the same thing – what will make a human mind change? We see that change is necessary, and yet are incapable or unwilling to change. What factor – what new factor – is necessary for this? Well, I feel it is the ability to observe deeply whatever it is that is holding the person and preventing him from changing. Where there is attention, there is no problem.


Where there is inattention, every difficulty arises. Now without making attention itself into a problem, what do we mean by it? Can we understand it, not verbally, not intellectually, but deeply, in our blood? Obviously attention is not concentration. It is not an endeavour, an experience, a struggle to be attentive.

I mean that people have been trying this for a long time. I think that there is first of all some difficulty in understanding what is meant by attention, because of the content of thought itself When a person is looking at it, he may think he is attending. But how do you stop thought then? You see, while thinking is rime on, there is an impression of attention – which is not attention.

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But one thinks, one supposes that one is paying attention. Or would you say rather that to find out what is attention, we should discuss what is inattention? And through negation come to jiddi positive. When I am inattentive, what takes place?

Ending of Time, The

Ending Time Krishnamurti Pdf

In my inattentiveness, I feel lonely, depressed, anxious, and so on. And in my lack of attention, I identify myself with many other things. I find, later on, that what was pleasing becomes pain. So all that is a movement in which there is no attention.

Ending Time Krishnamurti Pdf Book

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