Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On

Plug-in missing on my mac pro, 2015 edition, Yosemite 10.10.5. Register device, tried to find the amazon video - Answered by a verified Mac Support Specialist. I have the latest flash player.270 but Amazon keeps telling me the plug in is unsupported on my MacBook not telly nor I pad. More Less Oct 16, 2019 6:16 AM.

  1. Missing Plug In On Mac For Amazon Video
  2. Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac
  3. Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac
  4. What Does Missing Plug In Mean On Amazon Video
  5. Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac

The mechanism and API described in this document requires GStreamer coreand gst-plugins-base versions >= 0.10.12. Further information on someaspects of this document can be found in the libgstbaseutils APIreference.

We only discuss playback pipelines for now.

A three step process:

Elements will use a 'missing-plugin' element message to reportmissing plugins, with the following fields set:

  • type: (string) { 'urisource', 'urisink', 'decoder', 'encoder','element' } (we do not distinguish between demuxer/decoders/parsers etc.)

  • detail: (string) or (caps) depending on the type { ANY } ex: 'mms,'mmsh', 'audio/x-mp3,rate=48000,…'

  • name: (string) { ANY } ex: 'MMS protocol handler',.

missing uri handler

ex. mms://foo.bar/file.asf

When no protocol handler is installed for mms://, the application will not beable to instantiate an element for that uri (gst_element_make_from_uri()returns NULL).

Playbin will post a missing-plugin element message with the type set to'urisource', detail set to 'mms'. Optionally the friendly name can be filledin as well.

missing typefind function

We don't recognize the type of the file, this should normally not happenbecause all the typefinders are in the basic GStreamer installation.There is not much useful information we can give about how to resolve thisissue. It is possible to use the first N bytes of the data to determine thetype (and needed plugin) on the server. We don't explore this option in thisdocument yet, but the proposal is flexible enough to accommodate this in thefuture should the need arise.

missing demuxer

Typically after running typefind on the data we determine the type of thefile. If there is no plugin found for the type, a missing-plugin elementmessage is posted by decodebin with the following fields: Type set to'decoder', detail set to the caps for witch no plugin was found. Optionallythe friendly name can be filled in as well.

missing decoder

The demuxer will dynamically create new pads with specific caps while itfigures out the contents of the container format. Decodebin tries to find thedecoders for these formats in the registry. If there is no decoder found, amissing-plugin element message is posted by decodebin with the followingfields: Type set to 'decoder', detail set to the caps for which no pluginwas found. Optionally the friendly name can be filled in as well. There isno distinction made between the missing demuxer and decoder at theapplication level.

missing element

Decodebin and playbin will create a set of helper elements when they set uptheir decoding pipeline. These elements are typically colorspace, sample rate,audio sinks,.. Their presence on the system is required for the functionalityof decodebin. It is typically a package dependency error if they are notpresent but in case of a corrupted system the following missing-pluginelement message will be emitted: type set to 'element', detail set to theelement factory name and the friendly name optionally set to a descriptionof the element's functionality in the decoding pipeline.

Except for reporting the missing plugins, no further policy is enforced at theGStreamer level. It is up to the application to decide whether a missingplugin constitutes a problem or not.

Application level

The application's job is to listen for the missing-plugin element messagesand to decide on a policy to handle them. Following cases exist:

partially missing plugins

The application will be able to complete a state change to PAUSED but therewill be a missing-plugin element message on the GstBus.

This means that it will be possible to play back part of the media file but notall of it.

For example: suppose we have an .avi file with mp3 audio and divx video. If wehave the mp3 audio decoder but not the divx video decoder, it will be possibleto play only the audio part but not the video part. For an audio playbackapplication, this is not a problem but a video player might want to decide on:

  • require the use to install the additionally required plugins.
  • inform the user that only the audio will be played back
  • ask the user if it should download the additional codec or only playthe audio part.

completely unplayable stream

The application will receive an ERROR message from GStreamer informing it thatplayback stopped (before it could reach PAUSED). This happens because none ofthe streams is connected to a decoder. The error code and domain should be oneof the following in this case:


The application can then see that there are a set of missing-plugin elementmessages on the GstBus and can decide to trigger the download procedure. Itdoes that as described in the following section.

missing-plugin element messages can be identified using the functiongst_is_missing_plugin_message().

Plugin download stage

At this point the application has

  • collected one or more missing-plugin element messages
  • made a decision that additional plugins should be installed

It will call a GStreamer utility function to convert each missing-pluginmessage into an identifier string describing the missing capability. This isdone using the function gst_missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail().

The application will then pass these strings to gst_install_plugins_async()or gst_install_plugins_sync() to initiate the download. See the APIdocumentation there (libgstbaseutils, part of gst-plugins-base) for moredetails.

AmazonMissing plug in for amazon video on mac

When new plugins have been installed, the application will have to initiatea re-scan of the GStreamer plugin registry using gst_update_registry().

Format of the (UTF-8) string ID passed to the external installer system

Missing Plug In On Mac For Amazon Video

The string is made up of several fields, separated by '|' characters.The fields are:

  • plugin system identifier, ie. 'gstreamer' This identifier determinesthe format of the rest of the detail string. Automatic plugininstallers should not process detail strings with unknownidentifiers. This allows other plugin-based libraries to use thesame mechanism for their automatic plugin installation needs, or forthe format to be changed should it turn out to be insufficient.

  • plugin system version, e.g. '1.0' This is required so that whenthere is a GStreamer-2.0 or GStreamer-3.0 at some point in future,the different major versions can still co-exist and use the sameplugin install mechanism in the same way.

  • application identifier, e.g. 'totem' This may also be in the form of'pid/12345' if the program name can’t be obtained for some reason.

  • human-readable localised description of the required component, e.g.'Vorbis audio decoder'

  • identifier string for the required component, e.g.

  • urisource-(PROTOCOL_REQUIRED) e.g. urisource-http or urisource-mms

  • element-(ELEMENT_REQUIRED), e.g. element-videoconvert

  • decoder-(CAPS_REQUIRED) e.g. decoder-audio/x-vorbis ordecoder-application/ogg or decoder-audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)4 ordecoder-video/mpeg, systemstream=(boolean)true, mpegversion=(int)2

  • encoder-(CAPS_REQUIRED) e.g. encoder-audio/x-vorbis

  • optional further fields not yet specified

  • An entire ID string might then look like this, for example:gstreamer|0.10|totem|Vorbis audio decoder|decoder-audio/x-vorbis

  • Plugin installers parsing this ID string should expect further fields alsoseparated by '|' symbols and either ignore them, warn the user, or errorout when encountering them. Mega man 11 pc game free download.

  • The human-readable description string is provided by the libgstbaseutilslibrary that can be found in gst-plugins-base versions >= 0.10.12 and canalso be used by demuxers to find out the codec names for taglists from givencaps in a unified and consistent way.

  • Applications can create these detail strings using the functiongst_missing_plugin_message_get_installer_detail() on a given missing-pluginmessage.

Using missing-plugin messages for error reporting:

Missing-plugin messages are also useful for error reporting purposes, either inthe case where the application does not support libgimme-codec, or the externalinstaller is not available or not able to install the required plugins.

When creating error messages, applications may use the functiongst_missing_plugin_message_get_description() to obtain a possibly translateddescription from each missing-plugin message (e.g. 'Matroska demuxer' or'Theora video depayloader'). This can be used to report to the user exactlywhat it is that is missing.

Notes for packagers

An easy way to introspect plugin .so files is:

The output will be something like:

BUT could also be like this (from the faad element in this case):


NOTE that this does not exactly match the caps string that the installerwill get from the application. The application will always ever ask forone of

When introspecting, keep in mind that there are GStreamer pluginsthat in turn load external plugins. Examples of these are pitfdll,ladspa, or the GStreamer libvisual plugin. Those plugins will onlyannounce elements for the currently installed external plugins atthe time of introspection! With the exception of pitfdll, this isnot really relevant to the playback case, but may become an issue infuture when applications like buzztard, jokosher or pitivi startrequestion elements by name, for example ladspa effect elements orso.

Vst host for live performance mac. This case could be handled if those wrapper plugins would also provide agst-install-xxx-plugins-helper, where xxx={ladspa|visual|..}. Thus if thedistro specific gst-install-plugins-helper can't resolve a request for e.g.element-bml-sonicverb it can forward the request togst-install-bml-plugins-helper (bml is the buzz machine loader).

Further references:

FonePaw - Solution - - Amazon Video Not Working - How to Fix Amazon Prime Video Problems

There are massive TV series, movies, videos available for Amazon Prime members. It's very convenient to watch Prime videos but sometimes a few problems related to Amazon Prime Video occur on mobile phones, computers, and TVs. This article is about how to solve the Amazon Prime Video problems on different devices.

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Part 1: Amazon Instant Video Streaming Problems

When you are watching movies on Amazon Prime Video, you may encounter the following problems: Amazon video is stuttering or lagging, the Prime video won't play, or the video keeps skipping. If you have these difficulties, here are some solutions toward issues on Android or iOS devices, computers, and TVs.

Fix Amazon Prime video streaming problems on PC/Mac

Meet minimum system requirements

If you want to play Amazon Prime Video on your computer web browser smoothly, make sure that your Internet connection meets minimum system requirements.

Compatible Operating System PC:

  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Mac: Mac OS 10.7 or newer
  • Google Chrome on Linux/UNIX operating systems is also supported.

Internet Connection

  • For Standard Definition (SD) videos: 900 Kbits/sec
  • For High Definition (HD) videos: 3.5 Mbits/sec

Check your web browser

There could be something wrong with the browser you are using to stream Amazon Prime videos. So try to use another web browser available on your computer. To watch Prime Video on your computer, it's great to use a browser that supports HTML5 web player. Supported browsers include:

  • Chrome (version 59 or newer)
  • Firefox (version 53 or newer)
  • Internet Explorer (version 11 or newer)
  • Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
  • Safari (version 10 or newer on Mac OS 10.12.1 or newer)
  • Opera (version 37 or newer)

Fix Silverlight issues

Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac

On Safari and some previous versions of Internet Explorer that doesn't support HTML5, you will have Microsoft Silverlight plugin installed in your browser to play Prime videos. Sometime, Silverlight may cause Amazon video streaming problems. To resolve Prime Video playback problems, you can fix it by clearing Silverlight application storage.

Step 1 Right-click the Prime video player window and select Silverlight.

Step 2 Click Application Storage tab and check Enable application storage.

Step 3 Then go to 'Website' column and choose http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/. Click Delete.

You can now close your browser and try to stream the Amazon video again. If you're still experiencing streaming issues, go to Microsoft Support to uninstall and reinstall the Silverlight player.

Reset DRM licenses

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is an access control technology set by content owners. If your computer, monitor, or system settings get changes, some intermittent issues with DRM technologies may exist. So in order to resolve many video playback issues, resetting DRM Setting is the way to go. To manually reset DRM Settings on a Windows and Mac:

Step 1 Find the mspr.hds file on your computer.

Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac

  • Windows 7 and above: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftPlayReady
  • Windows XP: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataMicrosoftPlayReady
  • Mac: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/PlayReady

Step 2 Rename the mspr.hds file to anything else (For example: old_mspr.hds). Don't remove your mspr.hds file.

Solve video issues on iPhone/Android Phone

Restart your phone

What Does Missing Plug In Mean On Amazon Video

Restart your iPhone or Android phone. After the phone reboots, open the Prime Video app and try to open the Amazon video again.

Check your internet connection

Poor Internet connection makes the Amazon videos buffering or not playing, so you want to make sure that your device is running on a stable network connection.

To play Prime video more smoothly, close other devices that are sharing an Internet connection with yours, such as your computer or the computer of your family.

Clear caches of Prime Video app (for Android devices)

If you are using an Android device with Prime video playback problem, you can try to clear cache of the app to fix the streaming problem. Open Settings on your device, Tap Apps(Application Manager) > Prime Video. Tap Clear Data > OK. Then you try to stream the Prime video and see if it is working now.

Reinstall the Prime Video app

If you still can't fix the video issues, you can try reinstalling the Prime Video app.

Reinstall Prime Video on Android Devices: Tap Settings > Apps (Application Manager) > Prime Video > Uninstall. Then reinstall Prime Video from Google Play store on your device.

Reinstall the Prime Video app on iOS Devices: Long-press the 'Prime Video' app icon until you see the 'x' that appears. Tap the 'x' beside Prime Video app icon and tap Delete. Then reinstall the Prime Video app from App Store.

Missing Plug In For Amazon Video On Mac

Fix Prime Video Streaming issues on TV

Restart your TV

You can restart the TV by plugging out and in the the power cord, or clicking Settings > Device > Restart.

Also, if you have trouble in playing 4K Ultra HD video, remember that 4K Ultra HD is only available on Amazon Fire TV (2nd or 3rd Generation).

Clear data for Prime Video app

With your remote, select Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications > Prime Video. Then click Force Stop > Clear Data. This will remove the data of Prime Video application on your TV and fix the Amazon video streaming problem.

Part 2: Amazon Prime Insufficient Bandwidth

When watching Amazon Prime video on TV, some users got 'Insufficient Bandwidth' message. But other videos on Netflix, YouTube, etc. are working just fine. Until now, no solid solution is provided by Amazon to address the problem, but users have posted the following solutions which they said have solved the 'Insufficient Bandwidth' problem on their TV.

Before anything else, make sure your internet connection has met the basic requirement of Amazon. For SD videos, it has to be 900 Kbits/sec and above; for HD videos, 3.5 Mbits/sec or above. Also Prime Video cannot stream via Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy connections.

  1. Reboot your TV

  2. Restart the Wi-Fi router. And also you may connect the TV to internet via Ethernet instead of Wi-Fi.

  3. Clear Prime Video app data. On your TV, select Settings > Applications > Manage Installed Applications > Prime Video > Force Stop > Clear Data.

  4. Update Prime Video app. Also, you want to get the latest version of the system software for your TV.

  5. Contact Amazon support and see if they can help. You can directly go to Help> Need More Help > Contact Us on your TV.

Part 3: Amazon Error Code 1060

An Amazon Prime Video user posted his experience—'At random times during my movie, suddenly the screen goes blank and a little 'wait-for-it' circle appears and spins. Eventually, like anywhere from 2 to 15 minutes, the 'error 1060' message appears, along with 'retry' and 'cancel' buttons'. Amazon Error code 1060 is usually a low bandwidth issue. So the troubleshooting will be checking the internet connection of your device.

Disconnect other devices

Step 1 Restart the devices you are streaming Amazon videos with as well as your router. This will reset the Wi-Fi connection completely.

Step 2 Disconnect other devices that are using your network right now. And then see if the internet speed is fast enough for Amazon video.

If you have multiple wireless channels available, you may switch to a less used channel for the Amazon Prime video to stream smoothly.

Part 4: Amazon Error Code 9074

Amzon error 9074 is another error code that we could run into when streaming Amazon videos. Amazon hasn't officially explained neither why this error happen nor how to fix it. If you encounter the problem, you can try the common troubleshooting steps: restart the Prime Video app, upgrade the Amazon Prime Video app. (Refer to Part 1(opens new window) for detailed explanation). If you still can't fix this issue, go to contact Amazon and wait for their solutions.