Chrome Continue After Closing

Do you know that Chrome does not always closes itself completely, even if you click the cross button and exit from it? It will keep running in the background and it will keep consuming memory endlessly. When it comes to things making your computer slower, you can find Google Chrome in the front line. Here is a simple trick to completely exit Chrome by closing all background processes.

Related: Group All Tabs Under One Tab and Make Chrome Work Faster

Google Chrome Is Running After Being Closed Google Chrome is a browser suitable for business use on one machine or across a local network of computers. One of the key features of Chrome is the way. Download a file in Chrome web browser. Go to Chrome Downloads. Wait for a few seconds. Now without closing your browser just shut down your computer without pausing it or closing your browser. Now switch off your UPS and open plug. After a few minutes reopen your computer and open browser - Chrome Downloads. Click on Resume or Retry. May 21, 2021 This is a little more involved, and entails editing the Registry—after you uninstall Chrome through the 'Add or remove programs' section in Windows 10's system settings, follow these steps.

Apart from eating up a lot of memory, Google Chrome also chokes your laptop battery to death while running in the background. This activity goes unnoticed by most of us even if we are aware of it, when running on critical battery level.

Chrome Continue Download After Closing


Chrome Continue After Closing Apps

Why is Google Chrome always running in the Background?

The reason is those extensions and applications that need to run in the background to function. Even if you close Chrome, they will continue running so they can synchronize or notify or be ready even if the browser is not running. You might need to manually end the task of these applications from the task manager to stop them completely.

Most of the times, it is good for apps to run in the background. For example, a chat program needs to pop if you receive an instant message or a video call. Or when mirroring Android notification to computer with Pushbullet that comes as an extension, it needs to remain active, even if you close the browser.

And considering the importance of these notifications, we can spare a small amount of RAM for them. But, when you have a lot of such apps installed, then it’s going to make your system slow and drain your battery fast.

Have a look at my task manager even when Chrome browser window is not running.

Find Which Apps and Extensions are Running in Background

For apps, go to Chrome’s Task Manager by pressing Shift+Esc and check for rows which mention background pages.

For extensions, there is no sure shot way of knowing which are the culprits. You will have to manually go to their options from the Extension Manager and see whether they provide information about background running. Most probably, it will be the extensions that provide notifications and help in synchronization.

Completely Close Chrome Running in Background

First, I would recommend you to remove unnecessary apps and extensions that you might have collected with your years of usage. After this preliminary cleanup, Chrome will feel much more responsive and light-weight. Now, back to our topic at hand –

Temporarily Preventing Chrome from Running in Background

While you have closed down Chrome’s window, you can still notice it’s icon in the system tray. It represents that some apps from Chrome are still running in the background.

Click on the icon to view a list of active tasks and hit on ‘Exit’ option. This will temporarily cause Chrome to shut down completely. But the next time you start Chrome again, you have to do the same to shut it down completely.

Permanent Setting to Close Chrome Completly

To avoid Chrome from running in background completely, follow the below steps –

Step 1: Go to Settings in Google Chrome.

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Show advanced settings.

Step 3: Under System, uncheck the box next to “Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed”.

That’s all!


Chrome Continue After Closing Screen

Allowing Chrome to run in the background will consume memory and will also cause the battery to drain faster. If you can do without notifications and synchronization when Chrome is not running, it is better to close it completely.

Chrome Continue After Closing Files

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